Selling Myself
I would just like to say that putting a portfolio together is a bit stressful for me. I don’t want to take too many or too few photos and I want to have some variation but not look like I don’t have any direction. Then there is the wondering if taking one photo and not a different one I was thinking about has cost me the gig.
Sometimes I think I am not the ideal person to pick out my best work. All I can do is try - I hate feeling like I am being judged though. Unfortunately to get any kind of “job” in the art world, you have to lay your work out there for someone else to criticize.
I have to give myself credit though because I never used to put myself out there because I never wanted to hear anything negative. Now, I am at least able to take some constructive criticism (as long as it’s not too harsh) so I suppose I am growing as an artist. I am curious to see what is in store for me (and my art “careerâ€) over the next few years.